Delivery Information


 *(commonly referred to as the “Shipping and Delivery Policy”)

Last Updated On: 04.09.23

GIRIKA FLAIR PRIVATE LIMITED (GFPL) delivers the products purchased by You through its authorised delivery partners.

All products/orders are processed for delivery/shipment after successful pre-payment.

The delivery of the products/orders is processed at such address which is provided by You. GFPL or its service providers (delivery partners) do not have an obligation to verify the details of the delivery address provided by You. You agree and understand that GFPL shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for:

a)     delivery of the Product(s) at a wrong address furnished by You;

b)     any loss and/or damage to You due to incorrect, incomplete and/or false information furnished by You;

c)     or any deficiency in payment of consideration payable towards the Product(s) purchased on the Site.

Delivery usually takes six (6) to eight (8) working days after acceptance of an order. Delivery times are influenced by product availability, geographic location of customers, customers shipping destination and the courier partner's time-to-deliver the products to the customers location. Whilst GFPL will aim at delivering the products to You at the earliest, the delivery may be delayed in case of force majeure events, festivals, or under circumstances which may be beyond the control of GFPL. GFPL always strives to  deliver the products to You at the earliest possible time.


What is the range of locations to which GFPL ships their products?

GFPL ships its products throughout India.

Are there any shipping charges applicable on my order?

A shipping charge is applicable on all orders based on the weight of the product(s). Please note, the shipping charges are subject to change without prior notice.

My order has been shipped. Now how can I track it?

a)     Once Your order has been dispatched, You will receive an email with the details of the tracking number and the courier company that is processing Your order.


b)     You can track the status of Your package twenty-four (24) hours after Your order is dispatched from Our warehouse.


What to do if my order shows delivered, but I haven’t received it?

You need to report non-delivery of the order, within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the delivery notification by emailing GFPL at After (48) hours GFPL claims no liability.

How can I find out more information about my order?

You can email GFPL at or call us on 022 4015 6537

*Please note: The above terms of shipping and delivery are applicable to the purchases made through the Site (as defined in the Terms of Use), and operated by GFPL.